Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You're too young to be this empty girl...

Since my last entry, I managed to get a hold of my doctor's nurse and I FINALLY got some answers about my latest tests. It's good news and bad news.

BAD NEWS: I'm being checked for a tumor on my pituitary gland. With my symptoms and the fact that my cortisol was so high, it's a good possibility.

GOOD NEWS: All my other tests came back normal (thyroid, glucose, etc) but I have to re-do my cortisol in another 2 weeks.

So my MRI is scheduled for this Thursday at 7am. I'm waiting to hear back from the office because when they heard I had a titanium plate in my head, they have to check to make sure that I can still get the MRI, which I wouldn't see why not. My neurosurgeon even made the point of telling me to get a followup MRI in a few years to check to make sure the tumor is still gone, he wouldn't have said that if I couldn't have an MRI. So I'm sure that it will all go okay.

In non-brain related news: I've had this throat/ear infection for almost a week now. I went and saw the doctor on Friday and got prescribed the usual antibiotics and what have you. I was doing well until today when my throat started swelling up again. I'm just hoping it's from the coughing because this whole "not being able to swallowing with pain" is just plain annoying. As is the inability to hear out of my right ear. But I think it's starting to clear up. Hopefully...

Well, I better wrap this up. It's almost 4am and I'm going bowling tomorrow with some friends. I need to be in top physical shape to whip some butt!!


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